I WILL NEVER ASK FOR A DEPOSIT... EVER!!! Do Not even offer one.
Thank you for your consideration.
You were looking for something special and the Universe led you here. Do not doubt for a moment that everything happens for a reason. "Great minds think alike" but I say, they should F*%# each other’s brains out if they do. Moreover, they should keep doing so because it only gets better.
After all is said and done, feel at home. You have found a friend.
Love and Light,
Hi! My name is Roxy, an independent spicy latina courtesan from Colombia. You will find that I am very open-minded and always willing to please.
I am single, all natural, petite, athletic, curvy, very sexual and in search of erotic adventure and excitement.. My English may not be the best but my body language and moans will be unequivocal. All of my sessions include a free Spanish lessons guaranteed to make you the Matador you always wanted to be.
I am ready to seduce you with my beauty, passion and energy. Are you ready to be seduced?
If you are looking for that special someone to share yourself with and explore the sexual universe.…Look no further…You have found me.
I know that our time together will not only be special, it will be unforgettable.
Please ask about my very special extended engagements. You wll not believe what they are.