Hello my loved one.
I emailed private delights quite some time ago
”I would like to change my username to
AmandaInLove” ~ thank you.
I google stuff like this …
”the butterfly was once a caterpillar.”
That’s pretty amazing actually.
November 1st~ New cozy massage studio
In honor of my new chapter in life.
That makes me happy 😃
Stepping into my REAL life purpose
~writing books, helping others.
“I’m a TRULY monogamous soul who
happened to be working in this industry
when I found true love.❤️ “ Thank you
my love for putting me in my heartspace
and inspiring me to become an all-star
There IS a journey here
🌟The Stock Market 🌟~
I’m trying to contain my excitement. 😃
It IS conducive to full retirement from this
industry~ one step at a time
Thank you Universe!