Most providers won't see you without screening you. With reviews, screening becomes a lot easier and faster. All they have to do is check out the reviews you've left, and the responses to those reviews.
Are you tired of searching for that someone or something that will reintroduce you to your spark, your spirit?
Have you had enough unremarkable, depthless interactions with people to last a lifetime?
You’re not tired, you’re uninspired.
I prefer quality connections over quantity, and I make the best of my time by spending it in the company of only a few thoughtful beings of any ability, gender, race, background, sexual orientation and are 21+.
I complement best folks who are interested in letting go of the of preconceived notions and who wish to create a space together that is void of judgement and fear.
In this rich, delicious expanse we will remind each other what it is to be human:
Giving ourselves the permission to nakedly enjoy the lushness of being present…..The bliss of sharing those moments with someone delighted in watching you bloom…And the profound realization that it was you who helped shape this beautiful thing we have here.
*Screening, 48 hour notice, and 1.5 hour minimum.
Minimum deposit of 20% required for all appointments; Flexible payment options available
Be well,
Enchanting Erica Saywell
Larger prepayments allow for the additional time.
To be paid in full on/before the first meeting of this arrangement.
Expansion package:
3 dates ( 2hrs each date)
Exploration package:
3 dates ( 4hrs each date)
Elation package:
3 dates (6hrs each date)
Emperor’s Awakening :
Coming soon …Inquired directly.