Sexy Award Nominated Porn Star Savanah Storm in Chicago March 24 to 28th
1hr 2000 90 mins 2800 2hrs 3500 3hrs 4800 Longer Engagements please reach out via email as touring rates are different the local LV home base rates. Couples 2500 hr
Payment types accepted: Cash, CashApp, Bitcoin
When you contact me, please be sure to say you
saw my ad on PrivateDelights. This is important!
Tour Dates March 24-28th
Hi Guys, Im so excited to visit Chicago and would love some good company! Email me and let’s plan a date.
I guess you're here because you're tired of the tease. Oh and don't I just love to tease you guys?! I don't deny being an unrelenting and unabashed flirt. I pout and pose and flick my long dark hair to drive men like you wild with lust.
The camera loves me. I'm an uninhibited, adventurous, free-spirit and I toy with you mercilessly through the lens. My piercing green eyes, locking you in, captivating you. An ethereal beauty, completely unobtainable, or so you assumed.
Well, not so fast my new friend. An opportunity to meet a lady like me is here but it doesn't arise often.
Grab it with both hands! ;) My best work will always be UNpublished and for your eyes only!
My "No" List: